We provide free legal counsel to organizations that work in myriad ways to help animals across the United States, and in some cases, globally, including by advocating on behalf of farmed animals, companion animals, laboratory animals, equine, wildlife, and aquatic animals; operating animal shelters, rescues, and sanctuaries; promoting and facilitating plant-based diet change; educating the public about animals' plight through diverse media and photojournalism; and working to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the animal protection movement.
Since its founding, ADP has provided more than $3.9 million in pro bono legal services to 400+ organizations. By not charging to address the otherwise costly legal needs that arise in every nonprofit, ADP frees up funds that enable these organizations to dedicate more of their limited resources to directly furthering their work.
These are just a few of the many animals who have been helped by our clients: